Being Green
We are doing our bit to look after our environment at Daisy Bank. The new toilet block was built in 2010 using recycled materials wherever possible.
Solar panels heat the water for the new shower block and the toilets are flushed using a rainwater harvesting system. Lights and fans in both shower blocks are on timers to prevent them from being left on too long.
Chemical Disposal Points – Please do not use any BLUE fluid that contains formaldehyde. Where possible use only eco or green toilet fluid in our CDP.
Lighting is limited on the park as we do not want to add to light pollution. On a clear night you will be amazed at how many stars you can see (please use a torch when going to and from the facilities at night).
We encourage as much recycling as possible, so you will find bins for paper, glass, plastic bottles , cans and food waste. Please use them.
As you can imagine, there is a lot of grass to cut during the Summer months. All mowings are used as a compost and mulch for our flower beds and as an aid to naturally keeping weeds down in the hedgerows. You can see areas that are not mown to provide habitats for wild life, flora and fauna.
Bird boxes and bird feeding stations are sited all over the park which encourage a very wide range of birds to the site.
Park Gallery
Views of Daisy Bank Caravan Park. Open all year for touring Shropshire and Wales.